Histamine intolerance is a condition that affects a great many people, but is often undiagnosed. It occurs when the body is unable to properly break down histamine, a chemical compound naturally produced by the body and found in certain foods. This can lead to a buildup of histamine in the body, which manifests itself in a variety of symptoms.

In this article, we review the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for histamine intolerance.

Causes of histamine intolerance

Histamine intolerance can be caused by a variety of factors. One common cause is a deficiency in diamine oxidase (DAO), an enzyme that breaks down histamine in the body. DAO is produced in the small intestine, and its levels can be affected by a number of factors, including genetics, diet, and medication use.

Another possible cause of histamine intolerance is an excess of histamine in the body. This can be caused by eating histamine-rich foods such as fermented foods, cured meats, and aged cheeses. In addition, certain foods can trigger the release of histamine in the body, such as shellfish, chocolate, and alcohol.

Other factors that can contribute to histamine intolerance include stress, hormonal imbalances, and certain diseases such as gastrointestinal disorders or autoimmune diseases.

Histamine intolerance symptoms

The symptoms of histamine intolerance can vary greatly from person to person. Some people experience only mild symptoms, while others may have more severe reactions.

One of the most common symptoms of histamine intolerance is digestive discomfort such as bloating, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain. These symptoms can occur shortly after eating foods containing histamine or taking certain medications.

Other common symptoms of histamine intolerance include:

- Headache or migraine

- Skin rash or hives

- Itchy or watery eyes

- Runny or stuffy nose

- Fatigue or lethargy

- Anxiousness or irritability

- Difficulty concentrating or brain fog

- Rapid heartbeat or palpitations

In some cases, histamine intolerance can also cause more serious symptoms such as asthma, low blood pressure or anaphylaxis. These symptoms require immediate medical attention.

Histamine intolerance diagnosis

Because the symptoms of histamine intolerance are similar to those of other conditions such as food allergies or irritable bowel syndrome, diagnosis can be difficult. However, there are some tests that can help identify the disease.

One test is the histamine intolerance blood test, which measures histamine and DAO levels in the blood. A low DAO level and a high histamine level can indicate histamine intolerance.

Another test is a histamine elimination diet, in which a person avoids foods high in histamine for a time and then gradually reintroduces them to see if symptoms reappear. This is a way to determine which foods trigger histamine intolerance.

Histamine intolerance treatment

Treatment of histamine intolerance usually consists of a combination of dietary changes and medication.

Dietary changes include avoiding or limiting foods that contain histamine, such as fermented foods, cured meats and aged cheeses. It may also be helpful to avoid foods that trigger the release of histamine in the body, such as shellfish, chocolate, and alcohol.

Taking DAO can also be helpful as it helps the body break down histamine more effectively. Other supplements that may be helpful include quercetin, vitamin C, turmeric , and probiotics.


Histamine intolerance can cause uncomfortable symptoms, but a low-histamine diet can help relieve symptoms. Download our TIOLI app for histamine intolerance to check if the products you eat are suitable for your low histamine diet.

Note: The information on this page has been carefully researched, but we do not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. If you have any health problems, please consult your doctor.
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